Sexed Up Super Heroines 10: Rise From A Machine

This review was written by Madcap of the MC Forum

  "Rise From a Machine" is more for robot fans than mind control or superheroine fans. But for those of you who like the stiff, Terminator-like style of robot, you will surely enjoy this video. In an origin/prequel story, Baron von Steele is attacked by a robot from the future with a very sexy accent.

After zapping her with one of his special rings, he puts her out of commission.Her body is shut down, and there's an extended sequence where the Baron explores it before she powers back on. Anyone who likes scenes where the girl just lays there passively, like a doll, will be very happy about the length of this scene. The actress does a very good job of not reacting or moving at all, even while being finger fucked.

Following that, is the sex: the blowjob (which is very rhythmic and steady--very fitting for a machine!) and the fucking, during which her expression gradually moves from impassive to emotional, as her programming gets disrupted by the sex.

And of course, like all of Steve Steele's movies, there's the trademark humor you've come to expect. And for anyone who's been following the series, this episode actually explains how Dr. Steele came to wear his trademark helmet!